Nurturing Children
Creating Environments Where Children Can Thrive
The best way we can prevent disparities is to solve problems before they even start. In this case, providing children and families with necessary resources (skills, interests, values, and health habits) to create an environment where children can thrive, reducing a wide variety of important risk factors that impede social and economic mobility.
For more information on our Nurturing Children programs, email us at

PAX Tools
Pax Tools help families use simple, research-based strategies to create a shared vision of the qualities they want in their family, richly reinforce cooperation, skill development, and self-regulation.
PAX Good Behavior Game
The PAX Good Behavior Game is a school-based intervention used by educators to teach self-regulation. Teachers utilize strategies to build students’ behavioral skills and stamina for focused attention and on-task behavior, reducing disruptive behavior, increasing cooperation, and improving academic outcomes.

Cooperative Learning
Cooperative Learning helps middle school and high school students work together in teams that accelerate their learning at the same time that they enhance social relations and prevent bullying, substance use, and depression.
Every Child Reads
Every Child Reads provides excellent evidence-based instruction in reading to children who are just learning to read or in need of extra instruction.