Increase NIH Funding for Developing and Evaluating
Preventive Interventions to Reduce Health Disparities
Values to Action is advocating for increased funding specifically for preventive interventions on reducing health disparities. We need to get relevant information into the hands of the policy makers that control funding for the NIH. For more information on these efforts, please read the Policy Brief to Increase NIH Funding for Developing and Evaluating Preventive Interventions to Reduce Health Disparities.​ Please contact the Senators and Congresspeople who control funding for the NIH, especially if they are in a state where you are a constituent.
How to Make Your Voice Heard:
Below is a list of the states that have Senators or Congresspeople on relevant committees with links to their Chief of Staff's email addresses. Please reach out to as many of them you feel comfortable reaching out to with the message to increase funding for preventive interventions on reducing health disparities. We need your help to open the lines of communication with your congresspeople, and will help you at every step of the process.
We have drafted this suggested message, which you can copy and paste into the email and modify your message as you see fit. If you modify the message, please remember to keep your message short and concise.
If you live in a state that is on this list, make sure to let them know that.
If you are a behavioral scientist, be sure to mention that as well.
Make sure to replace the brackets [ ] with the appropriate information.
Make sure to include the Policy Brief in your email. ​
Copy Tony Biglan and Diana Fishbein on the email.
Suggested Message:
Subject line: [Chief of Staff's name], call for increased NIH funding to reduce health disparities
Dear [Chief of Staff's name],
I hope this email finds you well. I’m a constituent of your [state, city or something to identify general location].
As an expert in [XYZ], I want to call attention to the critical need for the value of NIH funding for preventive interventions on reducing health disparities. As a member of the Appropriations Committee that oversees NIH funding, we would like to make recommendations for research investments that promise to turn the tide on inequities that have led to disparate impacts of COVID-19 and other crises that plague our nation.
The attached policy brief describes what is needed from the perspective of several major professional organizations.
Would you be willing to meet with Dr. Anthony Biglan ( or Dr. Diana Fishbein ( to discuss this issue and determine how congress can help?
We look forward to hearing from you,
[Your name]
Make sure the links stay in the message or policy brief is attached.
Make sure you've replaced everything in the brackets.
If you are in the state, make that clear.
Mention that you are a behavioral researcher or professional, if applicable.
Response Next Steps:
When you receive a response from one of the Legislators, please let us know if there is anything we can do to help facilitate or be included in your conversation with them. We would be happy to help with setting up a meeting and/or helping craft a response. Please reach out to us at for additional support.
If your state is not listed below, they do not have any Congresspeople sitting on any of the relevant committees.
Richard Shelby
Chief of Staff: Watson Donald III
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